REGISTRATION APPLICATION / RELEASE OF LIABILITY FORM Name __________________________________Phone ( )_________________cell Address _______________________________________________________________ City_____________________________________State________ Zip_______________ Organization ____________________________________________________________
Emergency Information: Notify ______________________________Relationship _________________________ Address ___________________________ Phone ___________________________ Medical Alert ________________________________________________________ Allergic Reactions _______________________________________________________ Prescriptions _____________________________Other ______________________ RELEASE OF LIABILITY / ASSUMPTION OF RISK: Signature________________________________________Date _______________ E-mail _____________________________________________________________ ***Number of ACS T-shirts ________ $12.00 each ***Sizes ________________________________________________
***Application must be received prior to March 1 in order to insure
t-shirt purchase.
March 14 &15, 2009 Huntingburg Airport
Saturday 07:30-08:00 a.m.
Overnight Survival Scenario Sunday 7:00 a.m. - 9:30
Some Facts about the
Air Crew Survival Training
1. If a large group is planning
to attend the ACS training, please contact one
2. There will be a $110.00
registration fee for all personnel attending the
If you would like to order
a (ACS) T-shirt please add $12.00 to the total for
Make checks payable to: 2009 ACS Training (OVSAR) Send payment and OVSAR
Contact: a. Cliff Weaver
(812) 483-7400 or
1. Meals will be provided,
if you are on a special diet, please bring your own