Automatic Position Reporting System - Evansville, Indiana
12 volt battery powers GPS & Micro-Trak 8000 8 watts | Clear PVC tube with caps, battery in cell phone case |
Pack unused space with foam padding | Glue large washer to top for magnet mount GPS |
StowAway Gear Boxs # 6-21 in Sporting
Goods area or
PLANO StowAway #2-3650 |
Buy these units at WalMart and Dick's
Sporting Goods
for less than $4.oo each |
2.5 mm 12 volt battery connectors, buy on E-bay | 12 volt / .8 amps buy at Batteries Plus |
First Prototype | New Design |
12 volt battery powers GPS & TinyTrack | 12 volt battery powers GPS, TinyTrack and Radio |