scent - All humans have an individual scent left behind
by the 40,000 skin cells dropped per minute. These dropped skin cells,
called skin rafts look like tiny potato chips and float easily on air currents.
Temperature, humidity, sun exposure, and wind determine how long a skin
raft can be detected. The hotter and drier the day, the shorter the life
of the skin raft. That's why search dogs need to be called as quickly as
possible to a search scene.
tracking dog - The tracking dog works
from a scent article from the subject, such as a piece of clothing or an
item touched only by the subject. From this article, the dog picks up the
subject's scent and uses it to find the subject's path. He works in a harness
on a 30-50 foot lead and leads his handler directly to the subject by tracing
the exact footsteps of the subject.
trailing dog - The trailing dog works
similarly to the tracking dog. A scent article is used so the dog can pick
up the subject's scent and trail. The dog may waiver from the person's
actual track by several feet, cutting corners and using the wind to his
advantage. Again, the dog is generally in a harness with a 20-30 foot lead.
air scent dog - The air scent dog works
off lead, ranging back and forth in an area to pick up the scent left by
the subject. Ranging often takes the dog out of sight for several minutes
at a time, so the handler must trust the dog and listen for an alert. Once
the dog gets the subject's scent, he moves in to its source. He then must
"alert" by either barking while staying with the subject or by returning
to the handler and "telling" her in some way that she should follow. The
dog then leads the handler to the subject.
compass work - Each OVSAR member
is trained in using a compass for both wilderness and map navigation. While
in the wilderness a searcher must know how to make his way from point A
to point B when given only a compass reading. Also, each searcher needs
to be able to give a compass reading for his location using landmarks which
might be found on a map, such as a water tower, power lines, buildings,
or roads.
map reading - OVSAR uses topographical
maps when available. Members are trained in reading and interpreting longitude
and latitude, elevation lines, power lines, railroad tracks, buildings,
and numerous other symbols on these maps. Members must also know how to
locate on the map a compass reading given by a field searcher.
survival techniques - In the mid-west
it is rare that a searcher would have to stay in the wilderness for extended
periods, but members know several methods for making an emergency shelter,
carry two or more fire starter sources, and are taught various detection
techniques. The most important survival technique is to keep a positive
attitude and not to panic.
emergency first aid - All members must
have Red Cross First Aid training or higher and must be certified in CPR.
We have mock rescues requiring these skills several times a year.
radio procedures - OVSAR issues hand-held
radios to all mission ready members. A yearly training is offered to gain
knowledge in all aspects of radio use.
victim behavior - Lost people
are usually predictable. Their behavior can be charted depending upon age,
gender, interests, physical and mental condition, time of day, weather,
and terrain.
search strategy - The way a search
is actually run depends on several variables: the length of time the subject
has been missing; whether or not the subject's last seen place is known;
weather; approaching weather; terrain; the subject's behavior profile;
and the number of available searchers and dogs.
scent theory - Every person loses
40,000 skin cells per minute. These cells take the shape of tiny flakes
called skin rafts which can float on air currents or drop to the ground
depending on humidity levels, wind currents, sunshine, cloud cover, terrain,
and temperature.
mantracking methods - Each searcher
is looking for the ultimate-the subject-but we also need to recognize the
subject's footprints (tracks) and be able to follow them, even for a short
distance. This gives us a direction of travel. Use of a flashlight and
a tracking stick (a 30" - 40" dowel rod marked in inches to give shoe and
pace length) helps in tracking a person.
SAR Tech II - This is a test sponsored
by the National Association of Search and Rescue (NASAR). This test
incorporates knowledge of search and rescue techniques, procedures with
map and compass work, navigation courses, and clue searches.
clue searches - Each searcher looking
for the lost subject must be aware of items the subject has left behind,
such as clothing, candy wrappers, cigarette butts, keys, or backpacks.
Team members are trained to look up, to each side, and behind them every
few steps while looking for these clues.
article search - Any item, such as clothing,
candy wrappers, keys, or a hair brush, that a subject has lost along the
way is a clue that helps the searchers locate the subject. Some of the
search dogs are trained to alert on an article from the subject by notifying
the handler when a clue is found.
alert - This is the method a dog uses
to notify the handler that he has located human scent, a clue, or the subject.
A dog displays subtle posture differences, such as the position of
the tail and ears; the gait changes or the head is held differently when
he picks up a scent. All these subtleties are alerts and must be watched
for during a search.
bark alert - The often used bark
alert allows the dog to stay with the subject and bark until the handler
arrives. It is beneficial for the dog to stay with the subject in case
the subject moves.
refind - The refind is the other
alert that is used in the Midwest. In this situation, upon finding the
subject, the dog returns to the handler. At this point the dog must give
some indication to the handler that he has made a find, such as jumping
on the handler, tugging a toy from the belt of the handler, or circling
the handler. The handler then follows the dog as they return to the subject.
support person - This person accompanies
the handler to help look for clues, watch the dog for subtle alerts, and
handle radio communications.
scent article - This is any article
touched only by the subject that can be used by the tracking or training
dog to gain the scent of the subject. Gathering the scent article is done
with care so no other scent is present to confuse the dog. Preferably this
article is one of clothing and is gathered with tongs or a stick, then
placed in a paper or plastic bag. The dog then is offered the scent article,
still in the bag or emptied onto the ground, to gain the subjects scent
The dog is then given the command to start the search.
scent pad - In early training exercises
the subject wipes his feet several times in the grass to lay a heavy scent
area. The tracking dog is then shown this area along with the scent article
and given a command such as "sniff" to gain the scent. Once the dog has
sniffed the scent pad and/or scent article, the handler gives the search
command for the dog to begin tracking the subject.
subject - This is the person that is
either pretending to be "lost" for training purposes or is indeed lost
and the search teams are looking for him.
handler - This is the person that works
the dog during search trainings and actual missions. All OVSAR dog's are
handled by their owner.
map navigation - using a compass with
a USGA topographical map, members plot routes for searches or find the
location (on the map) of a searcher or subject once found.
incident command system - a
widely used standard plan for managing an emergency scene having an incident
commander and then breaking the emergency down into four working sections
depending on the size and need of the scene.
rope work - with the cliffs and high
banks in the tri-state area the need arrises occasionally to raise or lower
an injured subject over a cliff using a stokes basket and ropes. Safe and
secure knots, as well as some rappeling knowledge, is crucial in this scenerio.
ground searcher - an individual
that searches using clue awareness, man-tracking skills, victim behavior
knowledge, etc., without the use of a search dog. All OVSAR members qualify
first as ground searchers.
reward - anything which the dog dearly
loves is used for the reward. A tennis ball, a stuffed animal, a stick,
or a food treat (not preferred) can be used. After the dog does the desired
behavior (finds the subject) then he gets the reward with lots of praise.